• Nhan Thi Hong Nguyen
Keywords: Length, Paspalum atratum, witdth, salt concentration, chemical composition


The research was carried out from July to October 2017 at Agricultural Research and Experimental Center of Can Tho University.. A total 45 Paspalum atratum plants was evenly divided into 5 different watering treatments: NTĐC (control), NT 2, NT 4, NT 6 and NT 8  added 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 concentration of salt, respectively. The result showed that there was no difference in length and width of leaf and chemical compositions between treatments. The agronomic features and chlorophyll concentration of NT 8 were inferior to the others; meanwhile, the concentration of nitrate and proline was high. It also revealed that the results of NT 2, NT 4, NT 6 were less different than the control. In conclusion, Paspalum atratum can be grown on land which has the salt  concentration lower than 6.



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How to Cite
Nguyen N. EVALUATING THE ANTI-SALINITY ABILITY OF PASPALUM ATRATUM IN DIFFERENT SALT CONCENTRATIONS. journal [Internet]. 1Mar.2018 [cited 14Mar.2025];8(29):82-1. Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/36