• Chung Van Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry – Hue University (HUAF), Vietnam
  • Nam Van Le University of Agriculture and Forestry – Hue University (HUAF), Vietnam
  • Dung Hoang Ha University of Agriculture and Forestry – Hue University (HUAF), Vietnam
  • Dung Tien Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry – Hue University (HUAF), Vietnam
Keywords: E De people, ethnic minorities, gender equality, gender role, gender violence


The problems of gender violence is still existing in ethnic minority communities when traditional point of view and prejudice are available. This study aims to find out awareness of male and female of the E De ethnic minority on gender violence in Buon Ho town, Dak Lak province, Vietnam. The study was conducted based on collecting primary information from structured interviews with 135 ethnic minority households and in-depth interviews with 06 key informants in the community, as well as collecting related secondary information. The research findings indicated that although awareness on gender violence has significantly improved in both male and female, there is still a part of local people who do not understand correctly. This group has clear prejudice about the different role and status between male and female in the family. The point of view that females must accept disadvantage or accept the fate of being the weak is still going on.


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How to Cite
Nguyen C, Le N, Ha D, Nguyen D. AWARENESS ON GENDER VIOLENCE AT ETHNIC MINORITY AREAS: A CASE STUDY IN BUON HO TOWN, DAK LAK PROVINCE, VIETNAM. journal [Internet]. 31Dec.2023 [cited 1Mar.2025];13(4). Available from: