• Nguyen Van Nguyen
  • Thoai Thanh Nguyen
  • Dien Son Lam
Keywords: quality of academic support services, satisfaction, part-time students


In the market economy, academic activities have long been considered as “a kind of service” with increasingly high competition. In order to increase  competitiveness of Tra Vinh University (TVU) by improving support services for part-time students, this research has been implemented to identify factors that affect to part-time students’ satisfaction related to quality of academic support services at TVU. The research was conducted by interviewing experts and  analyzing questionnaire-based primary data with sample size n = 598 and statistical error 1 =5%. The results indicated 6 factors affecting the satisfaction of part-time students with regard to the quality of the support services at TVU including: (1) Facilities (2) Assurance, (3) Reliability, (4) Responsiveness, (5) care and (6) other Support Services. Therefore, the improvement in these factors will make students be more satisfied as well as increase competitiveness of TVU


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How to Cite
Nguyen N, Nguyen T, Lam D. FACTORS IMPACT ON THE SATISFACTION OF PART-TIME STUDENTS ON THE QUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES IN TRA VINH UNIVERSITY. journal [Internet]. 1Sep.2018 [cited 9Mar.2025];8(31):20-8. Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/25