• Huy Minh Vo Tra Vinh University, Vietnam
  • Dung Thi My Huynh Tra Vinh University, Vietnam
Keywords: construction project, Delay Analysis Method (DAM), delay criteria, Integrated AHP-RII Approach


A delay is an inevitable event in construction projects due to their intricacy and dynamic nature, therefore, the project parties frequently come to disputes about which party is liable for schedule delays. Delay analysis methods are gradually evolved and are used to steadily determine and apportion delay’s responsibilities. Notwithstanding, courts and arbitrary boards have not legalized any specific standard category of delay analysis technique to timely evaluate the impact of activity(es) delay on to total project duration. Also, there is no universal delay analysis method that can be used better than the others under certain circumstances. This research, thus, targets to seek the most appropriate and fundamental DAM for delay claims resolution. The study methodology adopted in the research by conducting an extensive literature review to identify current delay criteria which have much more impact on the selection of delay analysis method than existing delay analysis method is also carried out for an efficient discussion with a panel of experts. An Integrated Analytical Hierarchy Process and Relative Importance Index (AHP-RII) approach is ideally employed to analyze the highest and the most priority delay analysis method along with the critical factor weight influencing detecting the most proper type of delay analysis. Study findings are very authentic by fairly selecting the best delay analysis method based on reliable delay factors and available delay analysis methods. The researchers and practitioners may yield viable study outputs for incipiently practical preparation of a variety of data and documents which can be publicly supported as active and valid evidence for future claims.


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How to Cite
Vo H, Huynh D. INDISPENSABLE DELAY ANALYSIS METHOD SELECTION: AN INTEGRATED AHP-RII APPROACH. journal [Internet]. 20Jul.2023 [cited 9Mar.2025];13(6). Available from: