• Quy Quang Tran University of Information and Communication Technology (ICTU), Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam
  • Binh Duc Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology (ICTU), Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam
  • Linh Thi Thuy Nguyen Lao Cai College, Vietnam
  • Oanh Thi Thu Nguyen Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam
Keywords: Apache Spark, Big Data, distributed-computing, R language


With the exponential growth of information, it is no surprise that we are in a period of history as the Information Age. The rapid growth of data has presented challenges regarding storage and processing technology. This article refers to Apache Spark, an ecosystem that provides many integrated technologies in Big Data processing, including machine learning libraries and data storage platforms. Apache Spark provides distributed data processing for open source applications, loading data in-memory and making operations for analyzing data of any size, with efficient support for popular programming languages like Java, Scala, R, and Python. The article aims to compare the superior computing power of Saprk compared to Hadoop and how to connect Spark with today's popular data processing tools such as the R language.


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How to Cite
Tran Q, Nguyen B, Nguyen L, Nguyen O. BIG DATA PROCESSING WITH APACHE SPARK. journal [Internet]. 20Jul.2023 [cited 9Mar.2025];13(6). Available from: