• Thao Hieu Nguyen
Keywords: English as Foreign Language (EFL), non-English major students, oral presentation, speaking proficiency, Vietnam


This paper presents an integrated-skill approach of using oral presentations as an interactive teaching tool in
non-English major classrooms. This paper has the following sections: (1) an introduction of the context of teaching and learning English and the factors affecting students’ speaking ability in Vietnam and in several other countries; (2) a presentation of the benefits of integrating oral presentation in the classroom; and (3) suggestions to English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers to apply this approach effectively. The researcher applied this approach to two groups of medical students. The result shows that four main factors, which affect students’ speaking ability are a lack of topical knowledge, low selfesteem, limited chances of practice and the
overuse of mother tongue. By giving presentations, students have a higher level of confidence, speak correctly, use more vocabulary, and develop other language skills as well as soft-skills. However, teachers need to instruct
students clearly, reduce pressure on student grades and give effective individual feedback. Furthermore, students need encouragement to create a dynamic learning environment. It is hoped that the pedagogical ideas presented in this paper can help teachers effectively employ oral presentations as a means of improving students’ English-speaking ability.


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How to Cite
Nguyen T. ORAL PRESENTATION: AN EFFECTIVE APPROACH TO ENHANCE NON-ENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS’ SPEAKING PROFICIENCY. journal [Internet]. 4Sep.2019 [cited 24Jan.2025];9(35):43-0. Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/202