• Tu Thanh Nguyen Faculty of Industrial Management, Can Tho University of Technology General director of Greenworld Ltd. Co. Vietnam
  • An Thi Thu Nguyen Faculty of Industrial Management, Can Tho University of Technology, Vietnam
  • Thu Thi Minh Truong Mekong University, Vietnam
Keywords: factor affecting satisfaction, San Ha Retail Group, service quality


This study proposes a research model of the factors affecting customer satisfaction with the service quality of San Ha Retail Group. The study proposes a service quality measurement model with five factors and 20 observed variables. The study used the method of testing the reliability of the model scale by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, the exploratory factor analysis, and the multivariate regression analysis to explore the results of interviews with 130 customers who have used products and services of San Ha Retail Group. The results show that customer satisfaction with the service quality of San Ha Retail Group is influenced by five factors, including empathy, responsiveness, tangibles, reliability, and service capacity. The findings from the research suggest solutions to increase customer satisfaction when using products and services for San Ha Retail Group.


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How to Cite
Nguyen T, Nguyen A, Truong T. FACTORS AFFECTING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON SERVICE QUALITY AT SAN HA RETAIL GROUP. journal [Internet]. 29Jun.2023 [cited 29Mar.2025];13(2):1-. Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/1930