• László Bódi
  • István Szalay
  • Phuong Ngoc Lan Thieu
Keywords: Hungarian goose, gene conservation, goose production


Hungarian goose production and gene conservation practices have been a tradition in Hungary for several centuries. The old Hungarian geese can only be effectively maintained if the national programs can identify economic uses of the breed. This study aimed to examine the potential use of the Hungarian landrace goose (HL) either as a purebred or crossbred with the Hungarian Upgraded breed (HU). Crossbred offspring were produced by HL ganders and HU layers, as egg production of HL layers is very low. Reproduction traits (egg production, fertility and hatchability) of parent stocks, body weight gain, feed consumption and slaughter values (slaughter loss, breast and thigh weight and proportions) and of offspring were measured. The results showed that fertility in the crossbred geese was insignificant compared to the fertility of HL purebreds, while hatchability of crossbreds was higher than that of purebred HL or HU. HL offspring had significantly lower body
weight and weight gain, and a higher feed conversion rate than HU. The proportion of valuable meat parts (breast and thigh) was the highest in HU while weight in slaughter loss was also the highest in HU. In terms of body weight, feed conversion rate and slaughter properties, crossbred offspring showed intermediate  inheritance. HL is recommended for crossbreeding with HU breeds and their offspring should be reared under
free-range keeping conditions.


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How to Cite
Bódi L, Szalay I, Thieu P. GENE CONSERVATION PRACTICE AND PRODUCTION OF OLD HUNGARIAN GOOSE BREEDS. journal [Internet]. 4Jun.2019 [cited 10Mar.2025];9(34):32-6. Available from:

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