• Mai Thi Phuong Le College of rural development, Can Tho University, Vietnam
  • Thanh Tan Nguyen Student of College of rural development, Can Tho University, Vietnam
  • Dung Hong Vo College of rural development, Can Tho University, Vietnam
  • Khoa Dang Le College of rural development, Can Tho University, Vietnam
Keywords: Hau Giang Province, square-head climbing perch, square-head climbing perch farming, technical and financial realities


The study was conducted to assess the current status of technical and financial aspects to contribute to proposing solutions and to overcome the development directions for the square-head climbing perch culture next time. The study was carried out in Hau Giang Province from February to May 2020 through interviews
with 44 farmer households in a well-designed form. The results showed that the average yield is 11.5±4.43 tons/1,000 m2/crop, the average profit is 16.4±23.5 million VND/1,000 m2/crop, the high total production cost is 283.1±114.9 VND/1,000 m2/crop, in which the food cost is the highest with 84.6%. The benefit ratio was
0.06 times and there are 64% of net profit and 38% of net loss farmers. The factor of survival rate, fingerling size, density stocking, experience, price, FCR and pond water level impacted yield and profit. Besides the advantages of natural conditions and self–supply fingerling, the squarehead climbing perch system currently faces many difficulties, such as capital shortage, product output depending on traders’ price, product standards, and harvest time.


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How to Cite
Le M, Nguyen T, Vo D, Le K. THE CURRENT STATUS OF TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL ASPECTS IN SQUARE-HEAD CLIMBING PERCH (Anabas Testudineus) CULTURED IN HAU GIANG PROVINCE, VIETNAM. journal [Internet]. 28Dec.2022 [cited 29Mar.2025];12(49):89-6. Available from: