• Van Bach Nguyen Tra Vinh Universiity, Vietnam
  • Thanh Hoang Nguyen Tra Vinh Universiity, Vietnam
  • Van Pham Tuong Nguyen Tra Vinh Universiity, Vietnam
Keywords: excipients, nano-siliver, passion fruit peels, skin cream


Nano-silver technology for cosmetics preparation is quite popular in recent times because nano-silver is non-toxic and has good antibacterial properties used to create products for skin protection purposes. This study
investigated the preparation of a cream product that brings a moisturizing effect with hyaluronic acid and antibacterial effects with nano-silver extracted from natural, environmentally friendly passion fruit peels. The product not only meets the market demand but also brings outstanding efficiency in the application of the antibacterial properties of nano-silver to users. This study investigates the excipient ingredients to prepare
a complete formula cream containing nano-silver with antibacterial and skin moisturizing properties. The nano-silver lotion formula was developed by evaluating the ability of excipient emulsions including oil phase - water phase excipients, emulsifying excipients, excipients with moisturizing effect, and the ratio of nano-silver.
After that, the cream was evaluated for sensory, pH, skin irritation, moisturizing ability, and antibacterial ability on some strains of bacteria. The study was success in preparing a moisturizer containing nano-silver synthesized from passion fruit peel extract, satisfying the properties of a cosmetic product and encouraging further research.


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How to Cite
Nguyen V, Nguyen T, Nguyen V. FORMULATION AND EVALUVATION OF SKIN CREAM WITH NANO SILVER SYNTHESIZED FROM PASSION FRUIT PEEL. journal [Internet]. 28Dec.2022 [cited 29Mar.2025];12(49):66-3. Available from: