• Lien Thi Luu Bac Lieu University, Vietnam
Keywords: Bac Lieu Province, cultural value, preservation and development, the Hoa community


In the trend of integration and development along with the process of coexistence with ethnic groups in the province, some cultural values of the Hoa community in Bac Lieu City are in danger of disappearing. The preservation and development of the culture of the Hoa community in Bac Lieu City is an urgent matter that needs attention. In this article, on the basis of applying ethnographic fieldwork and in-depth interviews, we will present the status of cultural preservation of the Hoa community in Bac Lieu City, Bac Lieu Province. Thereby, the author proposes solutions to preserve and develop the culture of the Hoa community in Bac Lieu City, Bac Lieu Province.


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How to Cite
Luu L. PRESERVING AND DEVELOPING THE CULTURE OF THE HOA COMMUNITY IN BAC LIEU CITY, BAC LIEU PROVINCE, VIETNAM. journal [Internet]. 28Dec.2022 [cited 29Mar.2025];12(49):34-. Available from: