• Binh Huu Trinh
Keywords: simplified procedure, civil dispute, civil procedure code


According to the ordinary procedure, the time duration for a case proceeding can be extended from 4 to 8 months; therefore, subjectively the judge who is  assigned to settle the case does not necessarily determine the type of case involving simple facts or the clear legal relationship to deal with promptly;  consequently, the simplified procedure which was specified in  the Civil Procedure Code 2015 has fulfilled that task. However, by examining the new provisions on the simplified procedure, the author realizes that there are certain limitations. In this paper, the author assesses the real state of law restrictions in practice, and then applies the methods of synthesis, analysis, comparison and evaluation in order to make proposals for the perfect law based on the view of the Party and the State on the strategies of judicial reform. The proposals can be both applied effectively in judicial work and used as reference sources for law students and for teaching.


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How to Cite
Trinh B. SETTLING CIVIL DISPUTES IN COURT BASED ON SIMPLIFIED PROCEDURE. journal [Internet]. 19Jun.2019 [cited 9Mar.2025];7(3):48-5. Available from: