• Minh Tan Nguyen Bac Lieu University, Vietnam
  • Hong Van Nguyen Thi Bac Lieu University, Vietnam
Keywords: aerobic organic composting method, bok choy, intensive shrimp farming, probiotics, peeled shrimp shells


In this study, the author mixed peeled shrimp shells in intensive shrimp farming and straw with probiotics using the aerobic organic composting process to produce calciumrich organic fertilizer. After 50 days of composting of peeled shrimp shells and straw with BioUSD or Fito-Biomix RR probiotics, the resulting fertilizer was brown-black in color, highly soft, spongy and highly degraded and has a relatively uniform size. Due to the action of microorganisms in Bio-USD probiotics, the nutritional compositions in peeled shrimp shell fertilizer had total nitrogen 4.34%, NH4+-N 269 (mg/kg), total carbon 14.6%, organic matter 51.3%, total calcium 22.0%, and C/N ratio 3.26. Similarly, the nutritional compositions in that fertilizer by FitoBiomix RR probiotics were total nitrogen 4.17%, NH4+-N 329 (mg/kg), total carbon 17.8%, organic matter 53.8%, total calcium 17.8%, and C/N ratio 4.27. Finally, the author evaluated the quality of the fertilizers with different probiotics in bok choy cultivation.


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