• Anh Duy Ngo Tra Vinh University, Vietnam
  • Ngoc Ngoan Nguyen Thi Tra Vinh University, Vietnam
  • Ngoc Duy Thach Tra Vinh University, Vietnam
Keywords: clinical practice, level of awareness, nursing students, Tra Vinh University


The purpose of the study was to examine the level of awareness about the clinical practice environment at the hospital among nursing students of Tra Vinh University in 2021. A descriptive cross-sectional study was applied
to analyze the data of 205 students selected. The study results showed a positive level of awareness with an average score of 130.83±8.73. ’Interaction and participation’ had an average score of 41.6±2.99, ’Student-centered’ had an average score of 45.92±3.56, ’Allow individual participation’ had an average score of 10.53±1.82, ’Nursing work value’ had an average score of 9.11±1.11, ’Promoting learning at work’ had
an average score of 16.42±2.80, and ’Lack of creativity’ had an average score of 7.23±1.48. The research results  provide implications for the further improvement of nursing training at Tra Vinh University in particular and universities and colleges with nursing training in general.


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How to Cite
Ngo AD, Nguyen Thi NN, Thach ND. LEARNING AWARENESS LEVEL OF NURSING STUDENTS AT TRA VINH UNIVERSITY ON CLINICAL PRACTICE ENVIRONMENT AT HOSPITAL. journal [Internet]. 24Sep.2022 [cited 25Jan.2025];12(48):53-1. Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/1112