• Anh Thu Vo Ngoc Tra Vinh University, Vietnam
  • Thuy Ngan Kim Ho Tra Vinh University, Vietnam
  • Thanh Tung Diep Tra Vinh University, Vietnam
Keywords: decisions about unsecured loans, financial companies, Tra Vinh City


This case study investigates the factors influencing customers’ unsecured loan decisions at financial institutions in Tra Vinh City. By collecting primary data from 224 customers in need of loans in Tra Vinh City and using
quantitative data analysis methods, the study discovered five factors influencing customers’ unsecured loan decisions at financial institutions in Tra Vinh City: service quality, lending policy,  consumer behavior, financial situation, and subjective standards, respectively. The authors propose policy implications based on the research
findings to improve credit quality in Tra Vinh City.


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How to Cite
Vo Ngoc AT, Kim Ho TN, Diep TT. FACTORS INFLUENCING CUSTOMER’S UNSCURED BORROWING DECISIONS AT FINANCIAL COMPANIES IN TRA VINH CITY, TRA VINH PROVINCE, VIETNAM. journal [Internet]. 24Sep.2022 [cited 5Feb.2025];12(48):24-2. Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/1106