• Thang Van Tong
  • Anh Thi Ngoc Pham
  • Phuc Hoang Ho
Keywords: Engagement, officers, state agencies


The study is conducted to determine the factors that affect the cohesion of civil servants and employees (CCVC)in the state agencies in Kien Giang province.  Convenience sampling method is conducted and information is collected by the survey with sample size of 343. Reliability assessment method Cronbach’s  Alpha and explorer factor analysis (EFA) are used to screen and extract satisfactory factors. The results of regression analysis identified factors: the field work; relations at work; working environment; promotion opportunities; skills and personal capabilities; the future development of the organization and income that have  affected the commitment of CCVC in the state agencies in Kien Giang province. Through the analysis the authors have proposed a number of recommendations to the local management to developt and use of human resources as well as measures to retain talent.


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How to Cite
Tong T, Pham A, Ho P. FACTORS AFFECTING OFFICERS’ENGAGEMENT TO STATE AGENCIES IN KIEN GIANG PROVINCE. journal [Internet]. 19Jun.2019 [cited 10Mar.2025];7(26):46-3. Available from: https://journal.tvu.edu.vn/tvujs_old/index.php/journal/article/view/104